Pasca: On design history, letters

Dear friends, in attachment you find some letters of Susan Yelavich, Victor Margolin, Kjetil Fallan, Anna Calvera and me.

In November I met in New York Susan and we discussed about History of Design. After that encounter I wrote a letter to some friends. All their letters are here attached. Now I send that letters to you hoping we can go forward with this debate. Anyway I try here to summarize what in my opinion are the main points of the discussion.

  1. I insist that there is a loss of importance of History of Design in Design Schools. Many of us think that it depends upon the hegemony of technical and managerial culture. Fallon says that there is a better situation in Eastern Schools (it would be interesting to have more information about that).
  2. I deeply agree with Fallon about the autonomy of History of Design and against reducing H. of D. only to a tool for projecting (of course it can be useful to designers for their project.).
  3. About Teaching History of design: Historical or Modal way? Or both for graduating students and only Historical for the first courses?
  4. Susan remarks the difficulty in appreciating History from the young people. I insist that there is a loss of importance of History in general in postmodern culture and this influences also our schools.
  5. In AIS/Design (the Italian Society of Design Historians) we are discussing about education of Design Historians. In Italy there aren’t master or Ph.D. for education of Historians of Design.Here I have summarized what it seems to me the main points of the discussion but the letters are much richer. I hope we can go on in this discussion.

    Many thanks and hearing from you soon.

    Chairman of AIS/Design
    Vanni Pasca

Di Vanni Pasca

Vanni Pasca (Giovanni Pasca Raymondi), laureato in architettura, professore ordinario di Storia del design, dal 1998 al 2008 è stato Presidente del Corso di laurea triennale in design e del Corso magistrale in design per l’area mediterranea a Palermo, dove è stato anche Coordinatore del dottorato di ricerca in Disegno industriale . Nel 2008-09 è docente a Milano di Progettisti contemporanei al Politecnico, poi di Design allo IULM di Milano e all'ISIA di Firenze. Ha fondato e diretto il magazine online, già, con il quale ha promosso nel 2008 e nel 2010 i concorsi internazionali Design Mediterraneo (con mostra e convegno a Istanbul e Barcellona). Dirige la collana di libri Design per l’editore Lupetti/Editori di comunicazione. Ha diretto il free magazine Design Review, editore Zerocento, Palermo. È presidente di AIS/Design dalla sua fondazione.