Il disegno industriale

“Il designer in fabbrica”

Keywords: ADI, Industrial Design, Designer Practice


This article is available only in Italian.

Author Biography

Raimonda Ric, Università Iuav di Venezia

Raimonda Riccini is a Full Professor at the Università Iuav di Venezia, where she also coordinates the PhD program in Design Sciences and the Design & Museology research group. She is a co-founder and current President of the Italian Association of Design Historians (AIS/Design) and since 2013 she has been editor-in-chief of the online journal «AIS/Design. Storia e Ricerche». In 2013 she promoted the first Italian Forum of PhD programs in Design. She has published extensively on the history of design. Her recent publications include: Artificio e trasparenza: Il corpo sulla scena degli oggetti, in Il corpo umano sulla scena del design (ed. M. Ciammaichella, Il Poligrafo 2015); Il progetto senza storia? Le scienze umane nella didattica delle scuole di design, in Storia hic et nunc: La formazione dello storico del design (eds. P.P. Peruccio and D. Russo, Allemandi 2015); ‘Let’s not forget the kitchen’: How design has transformed the domestic hearth, in Kitchens & Invaders (ed. G. Celant, Electa 2015); Design e immaginario. Oggetti, immagini e visioni fra rappresentazione e progetto (co-editor with P. Proverbio, Il Poligrafo 2016) and the proceedings of the 2016 AIS/Design conference Angelica e Bradamante. Le donne del design (Il Poligrafo 2017).
